Monday, July 28, 2008

An observation.....

I rarely come up with a piece of original thinking.....well this is not one of those times.....
Was reading thing book called, "skepticism by Bertrand Russel"
He 's one witty dude....if i may say so....he was narrating this story of a guy called 'pyrrho' now, skepticism used to be called pyrrhoism as he was a key to discovering it....
So he's(pyrrho) is walking down the street and he sees his old philosophy teacher, with his head stuck in a the key to note at this point is, pyrrho got all his philosophical principles from this after much contemplation of weather to pull the old proffessor out or not....he walked away, leaving the old man there, deciding that by pulling him out he would not be of much significance as he created one such as pyrrho himself, the guru on skepticism. well lots of people found pyrrho to be a heartless man, but his teacher was delighted as his principles were being practiced....

ok as absurd/funny as that sounds, what caught my eye was the fact that, the teacher was just so happy that his student followed the principle, irrespective of the person involved. Do point out another such to me....

The power of the idea/thought over rode the self.

I guess its a common human emotion for most of us, preaching the right things is finest of arts imprinted in our genes.....but not a single application of that thought is applicable to us....