Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Something interesting happened the other day...

i was reading the paper and saw this rather funny article about the reward put on osama bin laden's head...(for those who've just arrived from outer space or beyond...he's the biggest terrorist...or so everyone would like to think)...as the article goes, anyone who found him and could pin point his location was to be rewarded a whopping 25million dollars...the raise was from a mere....5million...now the question...more of a predicament was this....he's supposed to be hiding in pakistan/afganistan/...stan where ever...and the population there would have know clue of what they would do with the money...(if u ask me...would go straight into the fire(i believe its rather cold there) or the more intelligent would give him up...only to buy more weapons(of mass destruction, not to forget!) illegally...well from the big brothers that want him so desperately...and the stage is set...a major rescue mission...some soldiers(of war/religion) dead...and he's back out...ok maybe i got a little ahead...)...so assuming they would have no 'good' use for this large money...there were talks held suggesting the exchange of cattle...where do they get these ideas! then there were talks of resurrecting Anna Nicole Smith who'd marry him, loot him, n conveniently die...well seriously...how do they think of stuff like this...

all in all it was actually funny...in an absurd sort of way...but after i finished reading the article it occurred to me that...the writer was a gunius...he/she saw humor in a grave(to the extent of uselessness) situation like this...they managed to turn the situation into a good Sunday morning laugh...

well this is my first writing on the blog...so i just thought I'd start with something funny...


1 comment:

srisquare said...

Great show Moi..now that you've started, you'll be unstoppable..will keep looking out for new posts..nothing morbid puhleaaaassseee